Robotics, Biomechanics, Sport, and Health

The RoBioSS team has a distinctive research approach which merges biomechanics and robotics to address societal and industrial challenges related to wellness, sport, health, human assistance, and 4.0 industry.


The team  studies the motions and interactions of humans and/or robots evolving in a dynamic environment. Our scientific work aims at measuring, understanding, modeling, replicating, and improving motor performances, the principles of sensorimotor perception and coordination, and the control of intercations; whether studying top-level athletes, pathological subjects, or  designing collaborative, dexterous, and safe robots.


Group leaders


Jean-Pierre GAZEAU

+33 (0)5 49 49 65 05



+33 (0)5 49 49 65 29

RoBioSS Team, GMSC Department

SP2MI, Bâtiment H1, Téléport 2

11 Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie

TSA 41123, 86000 Poitiers


Motion Dynamics


The goal of this first research axis is to understand and better describe the motor performance to increase it and/or to foster the gesture learning. We analyse locomotion of healthy, pathological, or athletic human subjects, as welll as humanoid robots. We particularly seek to identify key factors in the motor performance from experimental measurements (in-situ analysis of kinematic, dynamic, and muscular parameters), to build a precise biomechanical model of the studied polyarticulated systems. Such a thorough modeling of the subject (robot or human) is used to optimize its gestures, with respect to several criteria, by developing parametric motion-synthesis algorithms.

Physical and Systemic Interactions

This matter is at the intersection of human motor control and multisensory perception, and, robot sensing and control. It aims at understanding perceptive and coordination mechanisms used by the central nervous system to cope with body-environment interactions. These mechanisms are modeled through reliable mathematical laws. Such a modelisation allows, in one hand, to refine assitance, training, or rehabilitation protocols. On the other hand, it will guide the developement of robotic control strategies to enhance robot skills while performing complex tasks and to improve human-robot interactions, wheter the robotic system is a collaborative robot or a haptic interface.

Assistive Mecatronics and Cobotics

This last research topic focuses on the design of mecatronic devices to improve the manipulation and mobility performances, and the assistive capabilities of collaborative robots. We seek to develop and optimize new robotic sytems through task-oriented approaches by exploring novel kinematic architectures and actuation systems. The RoBioSS team has a specific expertise in developing dexterous and adaptive robot grippers, high-fidelity haptic devices for teleoperation and gesture learning, in situ measuring stations for sport performances, and mechanically-transparent locomotor humanoid robots.

Experimental platforms


HuMAnS - A platform dedicated to human motion analysis.

Two experimental halls, located on the laboratory campus, provide measurement means to evaluate the body kinematics (optoelectronic cameras, IMUs...), the produced forces (force-torque sensors, sensor-equipped ergometers dedicated to cyclism, kayaking...), and the muscle activity (electromyogram) of the subject. Measurement equipment is calibrated, characterized, and portable to in-situ biomechanical analyses, such as in clinical settings or in sport applications.


DextRobUP - Open and dexterous collaborative robotic cells for 4.0 industry

The robotic platform is dedicated to develop, validate, and demonstrate performances of new approaches for productive and collaborative robotics. It provides access to our partners to various robotic systems, ranging from industrial and collaborative robots to laboratory prototypes; to high-fidelity digital twins and VR environments to simulate machine behaviors; and to concrete demonstrations of complex robotic tasks.





4.0 Industry








The ANR Mach4 joint laboratory (RoBioSS team & ITECA) is a partner of the DEM'UP project, driven by the University of Poitiers, which was just awarded from the DEMOES PIA4 program "Digital demonstrator in higher education".


The TIRREX project (Technological Infreastructue for Robotics Research of Excellence) has been selected to the AMI ESR/EQUIPEX+ call. The project is driven by the CNRS and puts 19 major partners of the French robotics research together to collaborate on six thematic axes. The RoBioSS team is in charge of the XXL Robotics topic, and participate in the Humanoid, Manipulation, and Design and Prototype axes.


We have been awarded from the PIA program for Sport and Very-High Performance with both the D-DAY project, driven by the University of Poitiers, and the PerfAnalytics project, driven by the INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.

Job Offers

PhD offers


We are offering a PhD position in shared control for haptic teleoperation, in collaboration with the AUCTUS team (Inria Bordeaux), within the ASAP-HRC ANR research program. The PhD project aims at developing shared-autonomy control concepts, to improve human-robot collaboration in haptic teleoperation. Such concepts will merge the human expertise and the robot functional autonomy into a shared action, to better assist workers in their activity. More info


A PhD position in Mechatronic codesign for dynamic legged robots is available at the Gepetto team (LAAS), in collaboration with the RoBioSS team (Pprime Institute). The thesis aims at developing a multidisciplinary and generic codesign approach, based on common optimization and simulation tools, to build a new prototype of a dynamic biped robot. More info.


M2 internships




Tony Monnet



Jean-Pierre Gazeau

Research Engineer

Arnaud Decatoire

Research Engineer

Mathieu Domalain

Associate Professor

Antoine Eon


Associate Professor

Laetitia Fradet


Associate Professor

Patrick Lacouture

Professor Emeritus

Pierre Laguillaumie

PhD Lecturer

Mathias Samson

Associate Professor

Pascal Seguin


Associate Professor

Romain Tisserand


Associate Professor

Margot Vulliez


Associate Professor

Kathleen Belhassein


Marien Couvertier


Thibauld Delrieu


Célestin Préault



Romain Bechet


PhD Student

Aurélie Benchekri

PhD Student

Marine Desvergnes

PhD Student

Andrian Kuch


PhD Student

Léonie Pacher


PhD Student

Jean-Baptiste Riccoboni

PhD Student

Quentin Trebot


PhD Student

Simon Ozan




Patents and licenses

Patent pending “Compact, parallel, and high-fidelity 7-DOF haptic device”, US Provisional patent N° 63/075,252, Stanford University, Vulliez M. et Khatib O. 2020

Patent pending “Dynamic workspace expansion controller in haptic interaction”, US Provisional Patent N° 63/076,258, Stanford University, Vulliez M. et Khatib O. 2020

Patent pending “Local Autonomy-Based Haptic Robot Interaction with Dual Proxy Model”, US Provisional Patent N° 63/116,418, Stanford University, Jorda M., Vulliez M. et Khatib O. 2020

Patent pending « Dispositif mécatronique d’aide à la rééducation et à l’apprentissage de mouvements humains », N/Ref : 12380-01, CNRS, Université de Poitiers, A. Decatoire, A. Eon, P. Laguillaumie, 2020

Patent pending « Préhenseur marin sensible en efforts », n°1914606, CNRS, Gazeau J.P., Vulliez P., Laguillaumie P., Mizera C. 2019

Patent pending "Main robotique", n°1909724, CNRS, Gazeau J.P., Vulliez P., Laguillaumie P., Mizera C. 2019

Software licensing : « RTRobMultiAxisControl », IDDN. FR.001.300012.000.S.P.2018.000.31235 à l’Agence de Protection des Programmes. 2018

Demande de brevet « IMU4Rowing », N° A.FR3042979, GB2559294, WO2017072453, Nordez A., Colloud F., Fradet L., Fohanno V., Lardy J., Guevel, 2017

Patent pending : « PLAViMoP », IDDN.FR.001.200011.000.S.P.2017.000.31235 à l’Agence de Protection des Programmes. 2016

Software licensing : « Effective Force GUI », IDDN.FR.001.160048.000.S.P.2016.000.31235 à l’Agence de Protection des Programmes. 2016

Patent « Système de détermination d’une puissance produite par un rameur », N° WO 2017072453 (dépôt PCT/FR2016/052795), Fohanno V., Lardy J., Nordez A., Colloud F., Fradet L., Guével A. 2016.

Patent «  Doigt robotique modulaire pour la prehension et la manipulation dextre », N° WO 2016059121 A1 (dépôt PCT/EP2015/073800), Rivière T., Arsicault M., Gazeau J.P., Vulliez P., Zeghloul S. 2016


International journals and conferences


MNYUSSIWALLA Hussein, SEGUIN, Pascal, VULLIEZ, Philippe et GAZEAU, Jean-Pierre. Evaluation and selection of grasp quality criteria for dexterous manipulation, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2022, Vol. 104, No. 20.


VAUR, Jennifer, ROBERT, Thomas et TISSERAND, Romain. Intermittent mechanical actions completing inverted-pendulum-like actions for standing balance in humans. In 46ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique, 2021, Vol. 24, pp. pp-S77, access.
RICCOBONI, Jean-Baptiste, MONNET, Tony, EON, Antoine, et al. Biomechanical comparison between manual and motorless device assisted patient handling: sitting to and from standing position. Applied Ergonomics, 2021, vol. 90, p. 103284.


DELRIEU, Thibauld, WEISTROFFER, Vincent, et GAZEAU, Jean Pierre. Precise and realistic grasping and manipulation in Virtual Reality without force feedback. In : 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces  (VR). IEEE, 2020. p. 266-274.

KUCH, A., DEBRIL, J.-F., DOMALAIN, M., et al. Effect of bow drawing technique on skilled archer postural stability: a case study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2020, vol. 23, no sup1, p. S159-S161.


MIZERA, C., DELRIEU, T., WEISTROFFER, V., et al. Evaluation of hand-tracking systems in teleoperation and virtual dexterous manipulation. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2019, vol. 20, no 3, p. 1642-1655.

PRINCELLE, D., DOMALAIN, M., DEBRIL, J. F., et al. Hip joint dynamics during the BMX gate start: a case study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2020, vol. 23, no sup1, p. S238-S240.

RETAILLEAU, Maëva et COLLOUD, Floren. New insights into lumbar flexion tests based on inverse and direct kinematic musculoskeletal modeling. Journal of Biomechanics, 2020, vol. 105, p. 109782.


CHERNI, Yosra, DESSEAUVE, David, DECATOIRE, Arnaud, et al. Evaluation of ligament laxity during pregnancy. Journal of gynecology obstetrics and human reproduction, 2019, vol. 48, no 5, p. 351-357.

BERNARDINA, Gustavo RD, MONNET, Tony, CERVERI, Pietro, et al. Moving system with action sport cameras: 3D kinematics of the walking and running in a large volume. PloS one, 2019, vol. 14, no 11, p. e0224182.

DECATOIRE, Arnaud, BEAUPREZ, Sophie-Anne, PYLOUSTER, Jean, et al. PLAViMoP: how to standardize and simplify the use of point-light displays. Behavior research methods, 2019, vol. 51, no 6, p. 2573-2596.

DESSEAUVE, David, FRADET, Laetitia, LACOUTURE, Patrick, et al. Is there an impact of feet position on squatting birth position? An innovative biomechanical pilot study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 2019, vol. 19, no 1, p. 1-7.

DESSEAUVE, David, PIERRE, Fabrice, FERNANDEZ, Anna, et al. Assessment of pelvic-Lumbar-thigh Biomechanics to optimize the childbirth position: An “In Vivo” innovative Biomechanical Study. Scientific reports, 2019, vol. 9, no 1, p. 1-7.

EON, A., GASTEBOIS, J., LAGUILLAUMIE, P., et al. ORHRO: OPEN Robotics Humanoid RObot-from a mechanical retrofit to a new real time industrial controller based walking robot. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019, vol. 22, no sup1, p. S502-S504.

FISCHER, Harrisson, VULLIEZ, Margot, LAGUILLAUMIE, P., et al. RTRobMultiAxisControl: a framework for real-time multiaxis and multirobot control. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019, vol. 16, no 3, p. 1205-1217, access.

GACHON, Bertrand, NORDEZ, Antoine, PIERRE, Fabrice, et al. In vivo assessment of the levator ani muscles using shear wave elastography: a feasibility study in women. International urogynecology journal, 2019, vol. 30, no 7, p. 1179-1186.

LE MOUEL, Charlotte, TISSERAND, Romain, ROBERT, Thomas, et al. Postural adjustments in anticipation of predictable perturbations allow elderly fallers to achieve a balance recovery performance equivalent to elderly non-fallers. Gait & posture, 2019, vol. 71, p. 131-137.

PACHER, L., FRADET, L., TARENT, Y., et al. Pelvis and hip calibration methods for movement analysis with inertial sensors. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019, vol. 22, no sup1, p. S166-S168.

PRINCELLE, D., MONNET, T., BRUNET, E., et al. Dynamic analysis of the BMX start: interactions between riders and their bike. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019, vol. 22, no sup1, p. S311-S313.

RETAILLEAU, M., FISETTE, P., et COLLOUD, F. A closed-loop multibody model to assess lower-limb kinematics in rowing. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2019, vol. 22, no sup1, p. S345-S347.


BUNLON, Frédérique, GAZEAU, Jean-Pierre, COLLOUD, Floren, et al. Joint action with a virtual robotic vs. human agent. Cognitive Systems Research, 2018, vol. 52, p. 816-827.

DALLA BERNARDINA, Gustavo Ramos, MONNET, Tony, PINTO, Heber Teixeira, et al. Are action sport cameras accurate enough for 3d motion analysis? A comparison with a commercial motion capture system. Journal of applied biomechanics, 2019, vol. 35, no 1, p. 80-86.

GACHON, Bertrand, DESGRANGES, Marion, FRADET, Laetitia, et al. Is increased peripheral ligamentous laxity in term pregnant women associated with obstetric anal sphincter injury?. International urogynecology journal, 2018, vol. 29, no 11, p. 1589-1595.

MENARD, Mathieu, DOMALAIN, Mathieu, DECATOIRE, Arnaud, et al. Influence of saddle setback on knee joint forces in cycling. Sports biomechanics, 2018.

NEZ, Alexis, FRADET, Laetitia, LAGUILLAUMIE, Pierre, et al. Simple and efficient thermal calibration for MEMS gyroscopes. Medical engineering & physics, 2018, vol. 55, p. 60-67.

NEZ, Alexis, FRADET, Laetitia, MARIN, Frédéric, et al. Identification of noise covariance matrices to improve orientation estimation by Kalman filter. Sensors, 2018, vol. 18, no 10, p. 3490, access.

RASMAN, Brandon G., FORBES, Patrick A., TISSERAND, Romain, et al. Sensorimotor manipulations of the balance control loop–beyond imposed external perturbations. Frontiers in neurology, 2018, vol. 9, p. 899.

ROBERT, Thomas, VALLÉE, P., TISSERAND, R., et al. Stepping boundary of external force-controlled perturbations of varying durations: Comparison of experimental data and model simulations. Journal of biomechanics, 2018, vol. 75, p. 89-95.

SAMSON, M., MONNET, T., BERNARD, A., et al. Analysis of a swimmer’s hand and forearm in impulsive start from rest using computational fluid dynamics in unsteady flow conditions. Journal of biomechanics, 2018, vol. 67, p. 157-165.

SAMSON, Mathias, MONNET, Tony, BERNARD, Anthony, et al. Comparative study between fully tethered and free swimming at different paces of swimming in front crawl. Sports biomechanics, 2018.

TISSERAND, R., ARMAND, Stéphane, ALLALI, Gilles, et al. Cognitive-motor dual-task interference modulates mediolateral dynamic stability during gait in post-stroke individuals. Human movement science, 2018, vol. 58, p. 175-184.

TISSERAND, Romain, DAKIN, Christopher J., VAN DER LOOS, Machiel HF, et al. Down regulation of vestibular balance stabilizing mechanisms to enable transition between motor states. Elife, 2018, vol. 7, p. e36123.

VULLIEZ, Margot, ZEGHLOUL, Said, et KHATIB, Oussama. Design strategy and issues of the Delthaptic, a new 6-DOF parallel haptic device. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2018, vol. 128, p. 395-411, access.

VULLIEZ, Philippe, GAZEAU, Jean-Pierre, LAGUILLAUMIE, P., et al. Focus on the mechatronics design of a new dexterous robotic hand for inside hand manipulation. Robotica, 2018, vol. 36, no 8, p. 1206-1224.


DOMALAIN, Mathieu, BERTIN, Anne, et DAVER, Guillaume. Was Australopithecus afarensis able to make the Lomekwian stone tools? Towards a realistic biomechanical simulation of hand force capability in fossil hominins and new insights on the role of the fifth digit. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2017, vol. 16, no 5-6, p. 572-584.

SAMSON, Mathias, BERNARD, Anthony, MONNET, Tony, et al. Unsteady computational fluid dynamics in front crawl swimming. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 2017, vol. 20, no 7, p. 783-793.


BÉLAISE, Colombe, BLACHE, Yoann, THOUZÉ, Arsène, et al. Effect of wobbling mass modeling on joint dynamics during human movements with impacts. Multibody System Dynamics, 2016, vol. 38, no 4, p. 345-366.

FRADET, Laetitia et MARIN, Frederic. Classification of physical activities based on body-segments coordination. Computers in biology and medicine, 2016, vol. 76, p. 134-142.

MENARD, Mathieu, DOMALAIN, Mathieu, DECATOIRE, Arnaud, et al. Influence of saddle setback on pedalling technique effectiveness in cycling. Sports biomechanics, 2016, vol. 15, no 4, p. 462-472.

NEZ, Alexis, FRADET, Laetitia, LAGUILLAUMIE, Pierre, et al. Comparison of calibration methods for accelerometers used in human motion analysis. Medical engineering & physics, 2016, vol. 38, no 11, p. 1289-1299.

THOUZÉ, A., MONNET, T., BÉLAISE, C., et al. A chain kinematic model to assess the movement of lower-limb including wobbling masses. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 2016, vol. 19, no 7, p. 707-716.

TISSERAND, Romain, ROBERT, Thomas, DUMAS, Raphaël, et al. A simplified marker set to define the center of mass for stability analysis in dynamic situations. Gait & posture, 2016, vol. 48, p. 64-67.


FRADET, Laetitia, LIEFHOLD, Beate, RETTIG, Oliver, et al. Proposition of a protocol to evaluate upper-extremity functional deficits and compensation mechanisms: application to elbow contracture. Journal of Orthopaedic Science, 2015, vol. 20, no 2, p. 321-330.

MNYUSIWALLA, Hussein, VULLIEZ, Philippe, GAZEAU, Jean-Pierre, et al. A new dexterous hand based on bio-inspired finger design for inside-hand manipulation. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2015, vol. 46, no 6, p. 809-817.

SAMSON, Mathias, MONNET, Tony, BERNARD, Anthony, et al. The role of the entry-and-stretch phase at the different paces of race in front crawl swimming. Journal of sports sciences, 2015, vol. 33, no 15, p. 1535-1543.

SAMSON, Mathias, MONNET, Tony, BERNARD, Anthony, et al. Kinematic hand parameters in front crawl at different paces of swimming. Journal of biomechanics, 2015, vol. 48, no 14, p. 3743-3750.

VALLÉE, Pascal, TISSERAND, Romain, et ROBERT, Thomas. Possible recovery or unavoidable fall? A model to predict the one step balance recovery threshold and its stepping characteristics. Journal of biomechanics, 2015, vol. 48, no 14, p. 3905-3911.