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Mes activités de recherche portent sur les propriétés optiques et l’apparence des matériaux à différentes échelles.

Directeur-adjoint du GDR CNRS 2044 APPAMAT

Membre fondateur du comité d’organisation de MANER (Material Appearance Network for Education and Research)

Activités éditoriales

  • Direction de l’ouvrage collectif Radiometry of wet surfaces, éditions EDP Sciences, 2023, 120 pp.
  • Co-direction de l’ouvrage collectif Éclairage et lumière au IIIe millénaire, Light Zoom Lumière, 2021, 224 pp.
  • Transposition, introduction et notes [P. Bouguer, Essai d’optique sur la gradation de la lumière, Paris, 1729], Light Zoom Lumière, 2021, 183 pp.
  • Co-direction de l’ouvrage collectif Quand la matière diffuse la lumière, Les Presses des Mines, 2019, 479 pp.


Enseignement en éclairagisme à l’ENSI Poitiers.

Contributeur du site Light ZOOM Lumière dédié à l’éclairage.

Interventions dans la formation en conception lumière de l’ENSATT.

Eclairagisme et photométrie

  • L. SimonotL’illumination de Pierre Bouguer, Pour la science 536 (2022) 74-79.
  • L. Simonot, De la lampe à l’huile aux LED : histoire physico-chimique de l’éclairage artificiel, in Chimie et lumière, EDP Sciences, 2021, 81-97.
  • L. Simonot, J.C. Espardeilla, Appliquer les lois de l’optique géométrique avec les projecteurs d’éclairage scénique, Le BUP (Bull. Un. Prof. Phys. Chim.) 1030 (2021) 43-64.
  • L. Simonot, Premières mesures photométriques : de Léonard de Vinci à Pierre Bouguer, Photoniques 105 (2020) 25-27.

Sélection de publications

Croissance et propriétés optiques de films nanostructurés

  • L. Simonot, F. Chabanais, S. Rousselet, F. Pailloux, S. Camelio, D. Babonneau, Evolution of plasmonic nanostructures under ultra-low-energy bombardment, Appl. Surf. Sci. 544 (2021) 148672.
  • D. Babonneau, D.K. Diop, L. Simonot, B. Lamongie, N. Blanc, N. Boudet, F. Vocanson, N. Destouches, Real-time investigations of structural and optical changes in photochromic Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite thin films under laser irradiation, Nano Futures 2 (2018) 015002 1-12. Highlighted article:
  • D. K. Diop, L. Simonot, N. Destouches, G. Abadias, F. Pailloux, P. Guérin, D. Babonneau, Magnetron sputtering deposition of Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite thin films for repeatable and multicolor photochromic applications on flexible substrates, Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2 (2015) 1500134 1-9.

Mesurer et modéliser les BRDF

  • T. Labardens, P. Chavel, M. Hébert, L. Simonot, A-M. Rabal-Almazor, Y. Sortais, G. Obein, Study and simulations of speckle effects on BRDF measurements at very high resolution, IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium, Material Appearance, Online 18-28 January 2021, 6pp.
  • L. Simonot, G. Obein, B. Bringier, D. Meneveaux, Modeling, measuring, and using BRDFs: significant French contributions, JOSA A 36 (2019) C40-50.
  • D. Saint-Pierre, P. Chavel, L. Simonot, M. Hébert, Angular reflectance model for ridged specular surfaces, with comprehensive calculation of inter-reflections and polarization, JOSA A 36 (2019) C51-61.
  • M. Ribardière, B. Bringier, L. Simonot, D. Meneveaux, Microfacet BSDFs generated from NDFs and explicit microgeometry, ACM Transaction on Graphics 38 (2019) n°143.
  • D. Meneveaux, B. Bringier, E. Tauzia, M. Ribardière, L. Simonot, Rendering rough opaque materials with interfaced Lambertian microfacets, IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graphics. 24 (2017) 1368-1380.
  • M. Ribardière, B. Bringier, D. Meneveaux, L. Simonot, STD: Student’s-t distribution of slopes for microfacet based BSDFs, Eurographics, Lyon (France) 24-26 April 2017, Computer Graphics Forum 36 (2017) 421-429.

Mesurer et modéliser la translucidité

  • A. Ferrero, J. R. Frisvad, L. Simonot, P. Santafé, A. Schirmacher, J. Campos, M. Hebert, Fundamental scattering quantities for the determination of reflectance and transmittance, Optics Express 29 (2021) 219-231.
  • L. Gevaux, L. Simonot, R. Clerc, M. Gérardin, M. Hébert, Evaluating edge-loss in the reflectance measurement of translucent materials, Appl. Opt. 28 (2020) 8939-8950.
  • M. Gérardin, L. Simonot, J.-P. Farrugia, J.-C. Iehl, T. Fournel, M. Hébert, A translucency classification for computer graphics, IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium, Material Appearance, Burlingame (USA) 13-17 January 2019, 6pp.
  • L. Simonot, M. Hébert, M. Gérardin, C. Montpeurt, T. Fournel, Halo and sub-surface scattering in the transparent coating on top of a diffusing material, JOSA A 35 (2018) 1192-1203. OSA editor’s pick.

Transferts radiatifs

  • Simonot, M. Hébert, S. Mazauric, R.D. Hersch, Assessing the proper color of translucent materials by an extended two-flux model from measurements based on an integrating sphere, Proc. of IS&T Electronic Imaging Symposium, Material appearance, Burlingame (USA) 29 January – 2 February 2017, 9pp.
  • L. Simonot, R.D. Hersch, M. Hébert, S. Mazauric, Multilayer four-flux matrix model accounting for directional-diffuse light transfers, Appl. Opt. 55 (2016) 27-37. Highlighted article from OSA journals:
  • S. Mazauric, L. Simonot, M. Hébert, Two-flux transfer matrix model for predicting the reflectance and transmittance of duplex halftone prints, JOSA A 31 (2014) 2775-2788.
  • L. Simonot, M. Thoury, J. Delaney, Extension of the Kubelka-Munk theory for luminescent turbid media to a non-opaque layer on a background, JOSA A 28 (2011) 1349-1357.

Traitement d’images multispectrales

  • P. Cotte, L. Simonot, Mona Lisa’s spolvero revealed, Journal of Cultural Heritage 45 (2020) 1-9. Editors choice:
  • G. Trumpy, D. Conover, L. Simonot, M. Thoury, M. Picollo, J.K. Delaney, Experimental study on merits of virtual cleaning of paintings with aged varnish, Opt. Express 23 (2015) 33836-33848.
  • L. Simonot, M. Hébert, Between additive and subtractive color mixings: intermediate mixing models, JOSA A 31 (2014) 58-66. Selected by the editors for publication in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics 9 (2014).