CNRS-Université de Poitiers-ISAE ENSMA
Téléport 2 – 1 avenue Clément Ader
BP 40109 – 86961 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex
Equipe de recherche
Mechanics and damage of semi-crystalline polymers
- Viscoelasticity : role of the confined amorphous phase / consequences on macro and multi-scale modelling
- Cavitation
- Slow Crack Growth
Cyclic behavior and fatigue
– thermoplastics
- Ratcheting effect
- Fully-coupled thermo-mechanical modeling
- Multiaxial fatigue tests
- Fatigue life criteria
– short-fiber reinforced thermoplastics
- Through Process Modelling method for fatigue life design
- Identification of damage micromechanisms
- Multiaxial fatigue tests (tension, compression, shear)
Coupling between fluid diffusion and mechanics in polymers
Explosive Failure Decompression
- Mechanical testing in pressurized hydrogen and carbon dioxide (tension, compression, EWF, shear, fatigue)
- Cavitation in decompressed gas-exposed polymers (thermoplastics and rubbers)
- Coupled numerical simulations for cavitation prediction
- Coupling between damage (cavitation, hydrolysis) and water diffusion
International Collaborations
and Industrial partners (past and active)
- Air Liquide / IFPEN / RENAULT / Mann&Hummel France / GTT
- Hydrogenius – Univ. Kyushu (Japan)
- Politecnico Milan (Italy)
- Texas Tech University (USA)
- LBF Darmstadt (Germany)
Sélection de publications
S. Castagnet, S. Girault, J.L. Gacougnolle, P. Dang. Cavitation in strained PVDF: mechanical and X-Rays experimental studies, Polymer, 41 (20), pp. 7523-7530, 2000.
S. Castagnet, Y. Deburck. Relative influence of microstructure and macroscopic triaxiality on cavitation damage in a semi-crystalline polymer, Materials Science & Engineering A, 448(1-2), pp. 56-66, 2007.
S. Castagnet. High-temperature mechanical behavior of semi-crystalline polymers and relationship to a rubber-like “relaxed” state, Mechanics of Materials, 41, pp. 75-86, 2009.
J.M. Teixeira Pinto, F. Touchard, S. Castagnet, C. Nadot-Martin, David Mellier, DIC strain measurements at the micro-scale in semi-crystalline polymers, Experimental Mechanics, 53(8), pp. 1311-1321, 2013.
A. Berrehili, S. Castagnet, Y. Nadot, Multiaxial fatigue criterion for a high-density polyethylene thermoplastic, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 33, pp. 345-357, 2010.
S.T.T. NGuyen, S. Castagnet, J.C. Grandidier, Non-linear viscoelastic contribution to the cyclic accommodation of high-density polyethylene in tension: experiments and modelling, International Journal of Fatigue, 55, pp. 166-177, 2013.
B. Klimkeit, S. Castagnet, Y. Nadot, A. El Habib, G. Benoit, S. Bergamo, C. Dumas, S. Achard, Fatigue damage mechanisms in short fiber reinforced PBT+PET GF30, Materials Science & Engineering A, 528, pp. 1577–1588 , 2011.
B. Klimkeit, Y. Nadot, S. Castagnet, C. Nadot-Martin, C. Dumas, S. Bergamo, M.C. Sonsino, A. Büter, Multiaxial fatigue life assessment for reinforced polymers, International Journal of Fatigue, 33, pp. 766–780, 2011.
S. Castagnet, J.C. Grandidier, M. Comyn, G. Benoit, Mechanical testing of polymers into pressurized hydrogen: tension, creep and ductile fracture, Experimental Mechanics, 52(3), pp. 229-239, 2012.
J. Jaravel, S. Castagnet, J.C. Grandidier, G. Benoît, On key parameters influencing cavitation damage upon fast decompression in a hydrogen-saturated elastomer, Polymer Testing, 30(8), pp. 811-818, 2011.
J. Jaravel, S. Castagnet, J.C. Grandidier, M. Gueguen, Real-time tracking and numerical simulation of cavity growth upon explosive decompression in hydrogen-saturated rubbers, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50(9), pp. 1314-1324, 2013.
S.A.E. Boyer, M. Gerland, S. Castagnet, Gas environment effect on cavitation damage in stretched PolyVinylidene Fluoride, Polymer Engineering and Science, 54, pp. 2139 – 2146, 2014.